Bureau Postjesweg Presents

In the Summer of 2019, a newly founded project space, Bureau Postjesweg PResents, opened its doors in the Amsterdam city district Nieuw-West.

Using the visual arts as a lens through which to perceive the dynamism in this district, Bureau Postjesweg PResents (formally: Foundation BPPR) will develop an inspiring program aiming to connect the local and the international developments through art and culture. Through this embedded approach, the art exhibitions and events of its program will arise in response to the existing dynamic and ongoing transformation of Amsterdam Nieuw-West.

Amsterdam Nieuw-West extends out westward from the area between the city´s orbital highway A10 and railway called ´Ringspoorzone´ around Amsterdam. For a long time, social inequality and a troubled demographic have challenged this neighbourhood, but have otherwise enabled the development of its unique and interesting cultural character. In recent years, the district has come into focus for its potential to absorb the ongoing urbanisation and resulting growth of Amsterdam city. The Municipality of Amsterdam is committed to developing the area and improving conditions in the wider sense for its inhabitants, and to enabling the inclusion of various new groups into the existing demographic.

Bureau Postjesweg PResents´ headquarters and permanent project space will be situated in the entree of a new visionary apartment building also called New West. It was designed by architects Olaf Gipser & Simona Puglisi with the integration of the many different functions of spaces in mind (private-public, working, living, shopping, cultural, – even the growing of food). At this time of writing, the build has yet to be finalised at its location adjacent to metro station Postjesweg, which is central to the district.
Awaiting the completion of this residency and project space, Bureau Postjesweg PResents organised several preliminary public events about art in public space, in the context of a fast-changing urban area of which Amsterdam Nieuw West is exemplary.

One of these events, and an exhibition, was Ringsporen I, which consisted of a walk through the immediate neighbourhood surrounding BPPR´s location. The tour went along seven projects in public space, created by artists Müge Yilmaz, Servet Koçyiğit, Abdelkader Benali, Rosa Johanna, Heidi Vogels, Holger Nickisch and Bert Kramer. During the exhibition period, four additional events with lectures, presentations and guided tours through the neighbourhood introduced Bureau Postjesweg PResents whilst simultaneously (re)presenting the main themes its upcoming program will revolve around.

The BPPR project receives indispensible advice, support and other assistance from writer and media personality Abdelkader Benali, Lora Sariaslan of the University of Amsterdam, Tayfun Balçik (historian and project coordinator at The Hague Peace Projects), project developer Heutink Ontwikkeling & Bouw, New West architect Olaf Gipser, the Municipality of Amsterdam, entrepreneurs and inhabitants from the district, and a vast network of local and international artists.

The managing team of Bureau Postjesweg PResents currently consists of art makers Iris Dik, Heidi Vogels and Holger Nickisch.
Nickisch was one of the initiators of foundation BPPR, and has since been involved in its management and art curation.

Download Ringsporen I (PDF)

Graphic design BPPR publication: Amir Avraham
Artist impressions New West building: courtesy of Olaf Gipser Architects


At present, Amsterdam accomodates several art institutions in the proces of initiating new places for art presentation. Aside from e.g. Kunsthalle Amsterdam in the North, Het Hem at the Hembrugterrein55 and Bureau Postjesweg in Nieuw-West district, there is an initiative in the Zuid-Oost district of Amsterdam aiming to open an exhibition space under the name Shebang (working title).  Additionally, the Amsterdam Arts Council acknowledges the potential of existing initiatives to fulfill the role of middle-segment organisations in the cultural sector, provided they are offered the opportunity to grow over the effective term of the City´s forthcoming art policy 2021-2024.

(Translated) from the Policy Reconnaissance for 2019 of the Amsterdam Arts Council


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